Pascal also has a wealth of experience in Fintech developing enterprise applications and training users.
Anna Leon is the Career Development Officer in the Education and Training Department at Gwich'in Tribal Council in Inuvik, NT.
Ayush Taneja is from India. He is pursuing a Masters in Internetworking from the computing science department at the University of Alberta.
She is the creator of the social media language revitalization awareness initiative Gwich'in Language Revival Campaign #SpeakGwichinToMe.
She is a founder and director of a Russian-German cultural and educational non-profit organization located in Steinbach, Manitoba.
Elizabeth Kiy works for Aurora College as a Community Adult Educator.
I do research and help promote better knowledge and understanding of technology in the small communities of the NWT.
María Alvarez Malvido is a M.A student in Communications and Technology at the University of Alberta.
Murat Akcayir is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Alberta.