She is the creator of the social media language revitalization awareness initiative Gwich'in Language Revival Campaign #SpeakGwichinToMe.
Michael McNally is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta.
IRC's Capacity team strives to build and maintain strong working relationships with stakeholders and beneficiaries.
María Alvarez Malvido is a M.A student in Communications and Technology at the University of Alberta.
Kyle Napier is a Dene/nêhiyaw Métis from Tthebacha, Denendeh (Fort Smith, Northwest Territories), and is a Research Assistant with the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension.
I do research and help promote better knowledge and understanding of technology in the small communities of the NWT.
Originally from the Laurentian Region of Quebec, Raymond Savard is the Program Head for the Beaufort Delta Region with Aurora College.
Jessie Curell is a Digital Media Literacy advocate and Founder of Hands on Media Education.