Leanne Goose is from Canada's Western Arctic town of Inuvik, Northwest Territories.
She is the creator of the social media language revitalization awareness initiative Gwich'in Language Revival Campaign #SpeakGwichinToMe.
Michael McNally is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta.
Murat Akcayir is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Alberta.
Ayush Taneja is from India. He is pursuing a Masters in Internetworking from the computing science department at the University of Alberta.
Anna Leon is the Career Development Officer in the Education and Training Department at Gwich'in Tribal Council in Inuvik, NT.
Dr. Rob McMahon is the Co-Director of the DigitalNWT project and the Primary Investigator for the University of Alberta team.
She is a founder and director of a Russian-German cultural and educational non-profit organization located in Steinbach, Manitoba.